Summer is in full swing, and has been for weeks now. Although heat and rain can characterise the Bushveld summer, out here in the bush it is other things that define the season: verdant green backgrounds, impala lambs, warthog piglets, zebra foals, wildebeest calves at play... All these things provide so much variety that one could literally fill a 5 hour game drive with amazing sightings.
Late afternoon rain over Mabalingwe | © Photography by Marthinus Duckitt
Male weavers have gone into overdrive, building frantically in their attempts to win the attentions of the opposite sex. Sitting next to a weaver colony at a waterhole can provide hours of enjoyment as you watch the brightly coloured males industriously forging ahead with their construction efforts. A reasonable length zoom lens is probably a good idea in order to take a decent Weaver photo, although at some colonies it is possible to get quite close to the nests, and a lens of 200mm might just suffice. Patience and timing is key.
Male Weaver building a nest | © Photography Marthinus Duckitt
Summer is about new life. Impala lambs, wildebeest calves and warthog piglets are to be found around every corner. the elephants have their share of infants. Birds are nesting, termites are emerging from their colonies, and life is bursting out of every seam. If I had to pick just one reason why I love summer in the bush, it is this. New births. The hope for the future.
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